Recap 2023
Can you believe we are almost through another year?
Thank YOU for taking the time to read this 36th issue of The Cat’s Meow monthly complimentary E-Newsletter. It is truly a labour of love. Our intention is to bring you stories that we all relate to. If you have an idea for a great story, please reach out, we would love to hear from you.
In addition to our desire to be your fundraising and communications partner, we aim to make a difference in our communities, and with this in mind, I want to thank and acknowledge our team of Cool Cats who keep moving organizations forward:
Brianna, Charles, John, Imad, Mirande, Paavneet, Sarah, and Ron.
Thank you to our clients for trusting us to help you achieve your operational goals. It is because of you we continue to grow.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, well I believe it takes many minds to create the desired results.
Thank you, Ingrid Schifer, the Alpha at Schif And The City, and her pack Danika, Sarine, Cris, and Shelley who have been with us since our inception managing the website, social media, and our collateral including these E-Newsletters and much more.
Special thanks to Dorothy Briggs for sharing her pearls of wisdom with me. Dorothy says, “When you show up, miracles happen” and I think she is right!
Infinite Woofs Animal Rescue Society (IWARS) is Pounce’s charity of choice. Please help them throughout the year, especially during the holiday season. They need people to foster animals and funds to help so many animals. We will match every donation up to $500 this year. Together, we can turn that into $1,000.
To my life partner and bestest friend, Stanley, thank you for your encouragement and support. I am grateful to have the chance to do what I love and I could not do this without you.
L to R – Little Buddy, Kiki, and ChaChi adopted from IWARS
Pawsitively yours,
Kat Mooney
Founder & Principal Navigator
Pounce Support Services™