What to Consider When Developing a Communications Strategy

Some things to keep in mind:

  • What is the mission of your organization?
  • Audit your current communications strategy and identify what works and what needs improvement.
  • What is the name of the project?
  • What are your overall communication goals? What do you aim to achieve?
  • What are the project objectives (how you will reach your goals)?
  • What is the timeline for completion?
  • Who is the person responsible for the project?
  • Do you have or do you need to create a critical path? What support will you engage?
  • Do you need a working committee? Who will be the best fit?
  • Do you have management approval? Do you have board and staff buy-in?
  • Do you have a realistic budget? Need to include this in the proposal and get management approval.
  • Will you provide a status report during the project? What are the deliverables?
  • How are you going to communicate, i.e. social media, traditional media? What channels will you use?
  • Who are you going to communicate with – internal or external publics or both?
  • How often do you plan to communicate – What is the frequency?
  • How do you plan to evaluate your project?
  • How will you share the outcomes of the project with stakeholders?


Need help developing your communications strategy, give us a call at 780.819.0095.